32 in Goulburn

32 in Goulburn

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

So as mentioned in my last post I was working on re-painting an Austrains 80 class into Coote Industrial green.
Well that has been finished, or at least up to decal stage.
I am hoping to get the decals at the Epping show this June long weekend.
First task was to obtain a second hand 80 class.
I got it through the an Aussie model train buy swap and sell page on facebook.
With the 80 I also got a 442 for a re-paint project as well.

Both locos turned up looking very good in their freight rail blue. It seemed a shame to paint them.
 But the first victim on the block was 8005.  So window glass removed and off she went to the paint shop
 My first attempt resulted in a very drab olive colour using Tamiya mat green. The photo makes it look brighter than it was.
 So cleaned up and second attempt was tamiya park green. this one being way too bright I thought.
 Finally third try I used an old bottle of green acrylic paint I had sitting around and would you believe it looks bang on.
Same photo this time with out the flash.
 With the green settled at long last i masked off and applied the yellow. Tamiya yellow was about right.
 With the coote 80 always seeming a little glossy rather than the usual mat colour of most locos I sealed it with a coat of Tamiya semi gloss.
After that I set to work with my brushes and blacked over all the vents and grills. re-fitting the hand rails.
 Adding the little things like black number board, marker lights and MU sockets.
This is the currently how it looks.
 With any luck I will find the decals at Epping to finish it off. Then on to my next challenge turning 44228 in freight rail blue into CFCLA 44208.

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