32 in Goulburn

32 in Goulburn

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


I have been a bit lazy lately and not done much unfortunately. however I have started working on some old kits i have had aside for a rainy day. Either building them or detailing them in some way.
I also decided to chop up an old Lima MFE I had to make an attempt at a inter-urban  supplementary passenger and guards car.

 So i took one standard Lima MFE.
 Then turned it into this. still a lot to do but it looks the part.
  Found the old dinning car resin kit I had started and need to finish.
Decided to make 3817 look the part for the end of October. I just might have to run the loco like this for a lap or in a siding some where at the next exhibition just to see who notices.

So first up is the wheat silo's. it's surprising what you can do with some balsa wood, cardboard and pringles tins.

 Most American shops can be made to look more "Aussie" with nothing more than a corrugated iron awning. not perfect but an easy way to fill a space in the main street.
 Most company's that make quick plastic kits have something that fits Australian scenes or is at least easily adapted. Atlas, Walthers, Metcalfe, Peco all have plenty of these kits. I have bought a few of them, they are very easy to build.  Simple things like factory buildings.
 Diesel Locomotive servicing sheds

branchline goods or loco shed
 Even basic cardboard kits come up well like this Brewery kit by Metcalfe.
 Walthers truss bridge is one quite often used and seen at the exhibitions.

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