32 in Goulburn

32 in Goulburn

Thursday, 30 October 2014

So here are a few pics of the Goulburn side of the layout and a look at the work involved to fix and finish it.

First pic is starting at the southern point of Goulburn station.  We have the sidings servicing the fuel depots, the position of the main south signal box directly opposite. The rail bridge crossing over park road.
The second continues from the rail bridge to the start of Goulburn station and north yards. The large white patches are the start of the platforms from the Albury end of the station. platforms 1 and 2 either side of the main and 3 facing the point work of the north yard.

Now on the Sydney end of the platforms. The main platforms end and platform No1 gives way to the Goulburn goods shed and sidings. As the lines converge back around the platforms it gives way for Goulburn north yard to fully expand. The north yard having the carriage sidings, goods loops, dead end sidings and the line works sidings. All this is just the first section the joint between this board and the next is the widest point of the layout  covering 20 tracks across!

On the second section the yard continues, then from here you can see north yard as it condenses back onto the main and to blackshaw road leval crossing. the three track consisting of the north, south bound main lines and the Crookwell branch line. The Crookwell branch leaving from the end of the Goulburn goods station line.

The next Two sections of the layout are the bridge, tunnel and the loco facility for Argyle.
These two pair up with the Argyle section of the layout (Argyle sadly unable to be photographed) to match Goulburn in length.
With a return on either side of the layout. (unfortunately the other one was inaccessible to photograph as well) So when set up one side of the layout covers the north section of Gouburn to run through the scenery around to the other side and into Argyle. Continuing through argyle and its loco depot back around to Goulburn. With Goulburn being used as the marshaling yard for the layout.

So once set up the layout will need both platforms, station buildings, signal boxes, scenery and such all to be done on the Gouburn side of the layout. With the Argyle side mostly ready to go. Just needing a clean up and minor work to fix aging track and scenery.
I definitely have my work cut out for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dylan,

    The location in the second last photo is known as 'Rye Junction'. It is where the down relief road rejoins the main line. The 'bald' area on the left was proposed to be a dead end stock siding, as a trailing siding for Up trains, but on the Down side (a safeworking nightmare LOL).


    John Proctor
